Surgical Services

From surgery to recovery, your pet's comfort and care are our top priorities.

Many of us mere humans are fortunate enough to never have to undergo a surgical procedure. The same thing is not always true for our cherished pets. From routine spays and neuters, to complex orthopedic repairs, surgery is a normal part of our pets’ lives. We understand how scary it can be for you, but with our expert veterinary surgeons, technicians and high-spec surgical suite, you can be sure your pet will be in good hands. To learn more about our surgical services, please reach out to us at 807-939-2616.

Are pets put under anesthesia during surgery?

Absolutely. Prior to the operation, we will conduct thorough tests to see if your pet is a good candidate for anesthesia and the amount of dosing they will require. Larger pets typically need a higher dosage. Then, one of our RVTs will be in charge of monitoring your pet’s breathing, blood pressure and other vitals while the surgeon conducts the procedure. Rest assured we take all precautions necessary to keep your pet in good shape all throughout their surgery.

Do pets need to fast before surgery?

Yes. This is an important pre-surgery step. Rest assured we will review all steps you need to take before and after your pet’s surgery. Pets may be asked to fast anywhere from 4 to 8 hours before their operation. If your pet has not fasted, they may vomit while under anesthesia. This can be a serious choking hazard.

What types of surgical procedures are offered at your clinic?

Our team of experienced veterinarians conduct a wide variety of operations including but not limited to:

  • Wound repairs
  • Fracture repair
  • Tumour/cyst/growth removal
  • Spays and neuters
  • Foreign body removal (i.e. swallowed items)
  • Dental extractions
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