No Show/Cancellation Policy

Crossroads Veterinary Clinic is committed to providing all our patients with exceptional care. Due to the high demand for appointments, when a client cancels without giving advance notice, they prevent another patient from being seen. For this reason, we have a No-Show/Cancellation Policy for all surgical and medical appointments scheduled with our veterinarians.

An appointment must be cancelled at least 24 HOURS prior to the scheduled appointment time or 72 HOURS for surgical appointments.

  • The fee for a missed appointment or late cancellation is $60.00
  • The fee for a missed surgery or late cancellation is $65.00 

We understand that extenuating circumstances do arise; please discuss with a member of our Client Care team for more information.

Our goal is to provide timely care to all our patients and to respect the veterinarian’s time and the constraints of a tightly booked schedule. Thank you for your understanding.

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